Culture Secretary Accusing BBC of Bias

Guido readers will be pleased to see Culture Secretary Lucy Frazer has admitted that the BBC is biased. On the media round this morning, she told Sky News that she “think that on occasions it has been biased“, and told Times Radio, “there was a perception among audiences…we need to do more in relation to impartiality“. Co-conspirators will remember the broadcaster’s misreporting of an attack on a hospital in Gaza, which Frazer pointed to as an example of BBC bias. This comes after complaints made about the BBC has soared by more than 50% last year. Who can blame them, when overpaid stars continue to use their platforms for political preaching…

Ofcom is set to be given more powers to investigate the BBC, though it’s doubtful they’ll do much to correct the issue. Frazer even went on to say she is considering stripping the BBC of powers to prosecute people for non-payment of the eye-watering licence fee, saying it was not “appropriate for the BBC to have criminal tools in its armoury”. Guido can only agree…

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mdi-account-multiple-outline Lucy Frazer
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