SNP Creates WhatsApp Group to “Inform” Supporters mdi-fullscreen

The SNP are scrambling to maintain a connection with their dwindling supporters thanks to copious amounts of Scottish scandals, resorting to the creation of a WhatsApp channel for “up-to-date news.” A far cry from their unfulfilled promise of a “rebuttal unit” to respond to misleading claims about the independence campaign. Desperate times…

The party sent a round robin email beckoning supporters to join the new group, saying:

“As we move forward quickly towards the next Westminster election in 2024, we’re going to be providing you with new campaign tools to support your efforts as you engage with voters in communities across Scotland.”

To be fair, they only received less than half a million pounds in donations this quarter, looks like they’re spreading thin the budget… 

That’s one way to avoid the headache that comes with deleting WhatsApp messages – have them readily available to the public. Though unless they’re planning on revealing the names of the two politicians in the lockdown love affair scandal, Guido doubts many will be jumping at the chance to join the chat…

mdi-tag-outline SNP WhatsApp
mdi-account-multiple-outline Humza Yousaf
mdi-timer December 7 2023 @ 17:14 mdi-share-variant mdi-twitter mdi-facebook mdi-whatsapp mdi-telegram mdi-linkedin mdi-email mdi-printer
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