Paul Mason Mulls Fight Against Corbyn in Islington North mdi-fullscreen

In April, Guido asked the perennial question: where will Paul Mason lose next? Now there may be an answer. According to Patrick Maguire, Mason is mulling a bid for the Labour candidacy in Islington North, setting up a ferocious battle against his former pal Jeremy Corbyn. Provided Mason actually wins the nomination this time…

There had been rumours this would be Mason’s next battleground ever since he lost the selection contest in Pembrokeshire…and Sheffield Central, and Stretford and Urmston. The one thing Mason hasn’t lost is his determination. To show his dedication to Islington, he followed the Islington North CLP Twitter account earlier this week. Presumably he didn’t do this sooner because he was too busy dreaming up reasons why he was a local boy done good in Pembrokeshire. Or Sheffield.

Either way, the Islington North CLP are still fiercely loyal to their old comrade Jeremy. In May, they passed a motion with 98% in favour of the absolute boy. Labour still haven’t set out a timetable for the candidacy selection – Sam Tarry was another rumoured contender – so Mason still has time to build some grassroots support, or at least figure out where he’ll contest next after losing again. Will Suzy Izzard give it another go as well?

mdi-tag-outline Labour Party
mdi-account-multiple-outline Jeremy Corbyn Paul Mason
mdi-timer July 12 2023 @ 10:15 mdi-share-variant mdi-twitter mdi-facebook mdi-whatsapp mdi-telegram mdi-linkedin mdi-email mdi-printer
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