Rayner Flounders Over Her Own Taxpayer Waste

As Labour have begun their anti-waste GPC files offensive, they could have put more thought into who they wheeled out to lead the charge. On BBC News this morning, Angela Rayner was taken to task for her own taxpayer funded exuberance. She claimed £2,100 for luxury Apple gear, including personalised engraved* AirPods.

Rayner’s defence was that tech was necessary for her job – she was using her taxpayer-funded iPad for the interview – and that it had gotten good use. She claimed “most people see that as value for money”. Most people might also be aware that Angela could just have easily bought refurbished Apple tech for a fraction of the price. Whilst Rayner was using the iPad for the interview, Guido notes that, again, her AirPods weren’t in use for work purposes.

When pressed further on the need for Apple goods specifically, as opposed to less expensive alternatives, she gave the less convincing defence that “all of the equipment has to sync with each other so that I can carry out my work”. Bluetooth headphones can connect to all bluetooth compatible devices, including Apple devices.

*Despite the engraving she still managed to lose them and stick the taxpayer with a bill for a second pair. Which she wasn’t using in her interviews today…

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mdi-account-multiple-outline Angela Rayner
mdi-timer February 13 2023 @ 10:25 mdi-share-variant mdi-twitter mdi-facebook mdi-whatsapp mdi-telegram mdi-linkedin mdi-email mdi-printer
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