Read in Full: Tory MPs Write to New BBC Director General, Say Corporation is “Fundamentally Failing” in its Biased Output

As mentioned in the Sunday Telegraphthe new BBC’s Director-General – set to start work on the 1st September – has received a blunt letter signed by 14 new Tory MPs, accusing the BBC of “Fundamentally Failing… to ensure that the diverse perspectives and interests of the public and audiences… are taken into account”. Correctly going onto observe, “because of these and others… an increasing number of ordinary citizens no longer wish to fund the BBC nor watch it…

They also single out Lewis Goodall and Rianna Croxford as examples of the lack of “impartiality in BBC reporting and commentary… without equivalent Conservative representation”. They also cite the infamous Panorama ‘expert-activist’ saga. They’re clearly fans of Guido…

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mdi-timer August 30 2020 @ 09:51 mdi-share-variant mdi-twitter mdi-facebook mdi-whatsapp mdi-telegram mdi-linkedin mdi-email mdi-printer
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