Apprentice Star Loses Job in Parliament Before It Even Starts mdi-fullscreen

Guido yesterday morning reported that the youngest-ever star of BBC One’s The Apprentice and E4’s Celebs Go Dating Ryan-Mark Parsons had just been hired as an intern by two Tory MPs – Ben Everitt and Greg Smith. The 24-year-old’s pass arrived this week and today was meant to be his first day. In very unfortunate timing, Sunak has kiboshed this one. Now that the election has been announced, IPSA rules mean that no new employees can be hired on the taxpayer’s dime during the dissolution period. Guido hears contracts were in the process of being signed as Sunak walked out of the door of No 10…

Greg Smith says he “looks forward to offering Ryan-Mark employment the other side of the election“. The crowd on the Commons terrace might look a little different then…

mdi-account-multiple-outline Greg Smith Ryan-Mark Parsons
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