Tory MP Hires Youngest-Ever Apprentice Star Ryan-Mark Parsons mdi-fullscreen

In major news for the glamification of Parliament Guido can report that the youngest-ever star of BBC One’s The Apprentice and E4’s Celebs Go Dating  Ryan-Mark Parsons is joining on as a staffer. Parsons has been hired by Tory MP Ben Everitt to do split intern work with another MP. The 24-year-old’s parliamentary pass finally turned up this week and he kicks off his first full day tomorrow. Based on his numerous recent media appearances on TalkTV and GB News he’s been itching to get stuck into the political fray…

Guido is sure Parsons’ business and media acumen will be highly useful in the mire of staffing politics. One staffer quips: “Hiring reality TV stars – Matt Hancock will score an intern position soon enough…”

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