Humza Yousaf Spaffed £106,600 of Taxpayers’ Cash at COP28 mdi-fullscreen

New figures released by the Scottish government detailing the costs of Humza Yousaf’s pointless self-aggrandising adventures in Dubai at COP28 show that he spent a whopping £106,576.09 on a 6 day trip, £47,986.25 of which was spent on “Marketing Campaign” – i.e, self-promotion. It seems the Scottish taxpayer isn’t just footing their civil servants siesta sessions, they get to subsidise the First Minister’s ego trips as well…

No expense was spared for Yousaf’s extensive entourage either, which comprised 15 bureaucrats and 3 SpAds. Each SpAd spent £2,376 on travel, almost 3 times the average amount each civil servant spent (£831.80). Guido finds it impressive that they each managed to drop £167 per day on meals…

Apart from squawking about net zero while actually taking the time to meet with oil and gas executives on his luxury trip, Yousaf also managed to break diplomatic rules five times as well. If only he could translate that ability into more effective governing…

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mdi-timer April 16 2024 @ 13:41 mdi-share-variant mdi-twitter mdi-facebook mdi-whatsapp mdi-telegram mdi-linkedin mdi-email mdi-printer
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