Gaza Activist Labour Councillor Arrested mdi-fullscreen

Last November Guido reported that Labour councillor and Deputy Council Leader for Bury Tamoor Tariq had organised an “urgent” meeting of all North West Muslim Labour Councillors to “discuss Gaza/Israel”. It was cancelled following Guido’s report. Tariq is known as a “colourful” character in Bury – the week before he burst into an “unhinged rampage” at the Police Headquarters. Now he’s taken a brief, involuntary vacation at the government’s expense…

Tamoor has stepped down from Bury Council’s cabinet for “personal reasons” after getting arrested on Wednesday on suspicion of stalking and harassment. Guido hears Tariq was brought in, questioned and released on bail at 4 p.m. He has also had the Labour whip withdrawn pending an investigation. Trying on the steel bracelets is never a good look for a Labour council’s leadership…

mdi-tag-outline Councils Greater Manchester Police
mdi-account-multiple-outline Tamoor Tariq
mdi-timer January 5 2024 @ 09:08 mdi-share-variant mdi-twitter mdi-facebook mdi-whatsapp mdi-telegram mdi-linkedin mdi-email mdi-printer
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