Good Law Project Gave Over £500,000 to the Government Since 2017 mdi-fullscreen

It looks like Hunt has the Good Law Project to thank for a good chunk of his fiscal headroom – it’s been a strong net donor to HM Treasury’s coffers since 2017. The government’s answer to a written question from Sir John Hayes sums up Jolyon’s donations over the past years.

“There were 52 cases against His Majesty’s Government in which the Good Law Project were involved as a party which concluded in the period since the start of the 2017-18 financial year. HM Government won 14 and lost 2 of those cases, 15 cases were settled, and 31 cases withdrawn by the Good Law Project.

In total, the Good Law Project has paid £539,766.19 in legal costs to HM Government, while HM Government has paid £63,738.71 in legal costs to the Good Law Project.

In financial year 2017-2018, no payments were made or received.

In financial year 2018-2019, £40,000.00 was paid to, and £4,753.00 was received from, the Good Law Project.

In financial year 2019-2020, £0 was paid to, and £59,013.19 was received from, the Good Law Project.

In financial year 2020-2021, £0 was paid to, and £10,000.00 was received from, the Good Law Project.

In financial year 2021-2022, £0 was paid to, and £270,000.00 was received from, the Good Law Project.

In financial year 2022-2023, £23,738.71 was paid to, and £196,000.00 was received from, the Good Law Project.

In financial year 2023-2024 to date, no payments have been made or received.”

In total, the government has cashed in £539,766 in legal costs from the Good Law Project and given up only £63,738. Jolyon might be worrying about the company’s bottom line now that his hapless fans are cottoning on to the fact that their hard-earned cash is going straight to the government. The Treasury could lose a valued customer…

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mdi-timer November 28 2023 @ 13:15 mdi-share-variant mdi-twitter mdi-facebook mdi-whatsapp mdi-telegram mdi-linkedin mdi-email mdi-printer
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