Hall Blasts Khan’s Leftie Policing Board mdi-fullscreen

Susan Hall has blasted Sadiq Khan on his new London Policing Board and the leftie allies he’s appointed to join. The board aims to scrutinise the urgent reform of the Met. Apparently it’s composed of people with a “wide range of professional skills”, though it appears they mainly specialise in criticising the Tories…

Members include Labour activist Andrea Simon and multiple pen pusher pals. One appointee, Sayce Holmes-Lewis, called to “overthrow the government with force“, characterising it as a “fascist dictatorship“. He also believes we should not support Ukraine in defending itself against Russia’s invasion because the UK government has ‘lied.

Hall didn’t hold back:

Sadiq Khan has nobbled the policing board, adding in some of his Labour activist friends and excluding anyone who might cause him problems. These should have been appointed by an independent panel, not Sadiq Khan’s deputies and chief of staff. He is clearly shutting down scrutiny of the Met Police before the election, because he is embarrassed by his failures over the last seven and a half years. As Mayor I will embrace scrutiny, not run from it.”

CCHQ should give her more air time

mdi-tag-outline Mayor of London
mdi-account-multiple-outline Sadiq Khan Susan Hall
mdi-timer September 22 2023 @ 14:21 mdi-share-variant mdi-twitter mdi-facebook mdi-whatsapp mdi-telegram mdi-linkedin mdi-email mdi-printer
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