Sweet-Toothed Rayner Caught Red-Handed Pouring Jar of Pear Drops Into Her Bag mdi-fullscreen

Concerned co-conspirators tell Guido they spotted Angela Rayner taking an inordinate number of pear drops from a pick n’ mix stand at Google’s summer party on Monday night. The party was held at the swanky Garden Museum, with canapés, champagne and confectionary aplenty for the distinguished guest list. Pornstar martinis were served in teacups, and an entire pick n’ mix station offered a smorgasbord of sweet treats…

Guido’s sources say Rayner approached the stand as a co-conspirator was picking their own sweets. “What’s your favourite?” she asked. “Pear drops”, replied the hungry co-conspirator…

With that, the sweet-toothed Deputy Leader of His Majesty’s Opposition grabbed the jar of pear drops and emptied “almost three-quarters” of the sugared contents into her bag. Below is a picture of the remaining drops after Rayner had tipped out her generous supply. Note how few remain relative to the other sweets…

Given Rayner’s habit of fudging the numbers with all those AirPods receipts, maybe it shouldn’t be a surprise to see her taking advantage of a corporation like this. Some might argue Guido’s comparing apples and pears with this mallow-drama.

mdi-tag-outline Candygate Google LOLabour Wonka Watch
mdi-account-multiple-outline Angela Rayner
mdi-timer July 5 2023 @ 16:49 mdi-share-variant mdi-twitter mdi-facebook mdi-whatsapp mdi-telegram mdi-linkedin mdi-email mdi-printer
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