Iain Duncan Smith Endorses Moz Hossain for London Mayor mdi-fullscreen

Now the race to the Tory candidacy for London Mayor is down to its final three, some big names are nailing their colours to the mast. This morning Iain Duncan Smith has, as expected, publicly endorsed Moz Hossain, the previously unknown candidate who kept a low profile until making it to the final shortlist. He tells Guido:

“Under Sadiq Khan, London has become less safe and more expensive. If Khan wins another term, I fear that the damage could be made permanent. To save this city we love, we need to defeat him.The truth is that all of the candidates that have put themselves forward would make better Mayors than Sadiq Khan. But I believe only one can beat him next May.

To win, we need a candidate who can break free from the political chaos of the past, someone who has the experience and knowledge essential to keep London safe – the Mayor’s most important job. With a successful career already at the criminal Bar, Moz Hussain is someone who can reach across the political divide and connect with voters of all backgrounds. Moz Hossain is the right candidate, and I urge my fellow London Conservatives to support him.”

Hossain is a Bangladesh-born King’s Counsel who moved to the UK in 1995. His launch video yesterday sets out his pitch…

Duncan Smith is his first big endorsement, although Guido hears several more will follow in the next few days. Dan Korski has already picked up other big hitters, including Michael Gove, Simon Clarke, and Michelle Donelan. Susan Hall is betting her grassroots support will see her over the line; she’s picked up the most public endorsements so far, with the majority of them being London councillors and backbench MPs. Former candidate Andrew Boff announced this afternoon he’s backing her too. The final candidate will then be announced on 19th July…

mdi-tag-outline Mayor of London
mdi-account-multiple-outline Iain Duncan Smith Mozammel Hossain
mdi-timer June 15 2023 @ 10:52 mdi-share-variant mdi-twitter mdi-facebook mdi-whatsapp mdi-telegram mdi-linkedin mdi-email mdi-printer
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