Taxpayers’ Alliance Invites Starmer to Join mdi-fullscreen

As the Tories become the party of tax and spend it’s noticeable that Starmer’s essay references a newfound emphasis on keeping taxes low for workers and being careful when spending taxpayers’ money. Here’s a flavour of some extracts:

Why when government departments are funded by taxpayer money are we so lax about ensuring that money is spent appropriately? …

There can surely be no greater example of the misplaced priorities and hubris of this government than the fact it is currently spending hundreds of millions of pounds of taxpayer money on a vanity yacht when that money could be spent on tackling anti-social behaviour. 

The government should treat taxpayer money as if it were its own. The current levels of waste are unacceptable.

Starmer seems to have even come to appreciate capitalism:

The role of government is to be a partner to private enterprise, not stifle it.

All very encouraging. Guido asked the wonks at the Taxpayers’ Alliance to have a read of Starmer’s 12,300 word-long Fabian essay and tell him what they thought:

Looking at the report, the comments on waste, transparency and efficiency in the public sector through technology are welcome. One line also mentions that Labour wants the low-paid to keep more of the money they earn.

On the other hand:

Our concerns would include the commitment to increasing the minimum wage, emphasis on significantly more public spending to tackle climate change and increased role of the government in business. He also promises to buy, make and sell in Britain – a fundamentally a protectionist policy and means taxpayers don’t get best value for money.

They have, however, decided that on balance Starmer’s newfound commitment to low taxes means he would be welcome to join the thousands of members of the Taxpayers’ Alliance. Starmer can register his support here!

mdi-tag-outline Labour Party TaxPayers' Alliance Wonks
mdi-account-multiple-outline Keir Starmer
mdi-timer September 23 2021 @ 11:08 mdi-share-variant mdi-twitter mdi-facebook mdi-whatsapp mdi-telegram mdi-linkedin mdi-email mdi-printer
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