335 Uyghur Survivors Accuse Bob Neill of ‘Betrayal’ mdi-fullscreen

Bob Neill’s amendment which seeks to reserve the official determination of genocide for parliament to determine is to be voted on in the Commons today. It is backed by the government, unlike the Inter-Parliamentary Alliance on China backed amendment which leaves it to the Courts to define genocide. Guido has got his hands on an unusually stark response to Sir Bob’s new amendment, signed by 335 Uyghur survivors. They say that his amendment amounts to having been betrayed:

“we hold such high hopes for the Genocide Amendment to the Trade Bill… We placed great hope in this. But then we heard of your amendment.

Then we knew, Mr Neill, we had been betrayed. For your amendment, in preventing a vote on the Genocide Amendment would deny the House of Commons the right to offer us our day in court.”

Strong stuff. Read the letter in full below:

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mdi-timer February 9 2021 @ 12:58 mdi-share-variant mdi-twitter mdi-facebook mdi-whatsapp mdi-telegram mdi-linkedin mdi-email mdi-printer
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