Unapologetic Chris Bryant’s Sweary Speaker Standoff Continues

Yesterday’s PMQs was littered with multiple interruptions sparked by a standoff between Chris Bryant and the man who resoundingly beat him to the Speakership last year. Guido brings you the full story:

Chris Bryant was perched on the ledge below the Press Gallery in the corner of the Chamber. The Speaker indicated that he should take a proper seat. Incensed by this, he mouthed “f*ck off” at the Speaker and flounced out of the room. While Bryant denies he swore, multiple MPs have told Guido he “definitely did”.

Newport MP Jessica Morden then dragged Bryant back to the Chamber to apologise to the Speaker. Following a short exchange, Sir Lindsay said the conversation should take place later. As Bryant continues to deny it, the Speaker is still waiting for an apology.

What is making the matter a gossip magnet in the parliamentary tea room is that Bryant is Chairman of the Standards Board. MPs are a little irritated existing rules mean goings on in the Chamber cannot be referred to the Standards Board. If this had happened elsewhere on the estate it would have been. With this and his mental health slur last month, the man supposed to uphold standards continues to see them slip…

mdi-account-multiple-outline Chris Bryant Lindsay Hoyle
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