Lansman’s Faction Defeated in Momentum Elections mdi-fullscreen

The factional battle between Momentum Renewal and the ‘democratising’, pro-open primary slate calling itself Forward Momentum was decisively won last night by the anti-Lansman faction. Lansman, perhaps wisely, decided against running himself in the election. Forward Momentum candidates won all 20 directly elected places on the committee, with four places left to ‘Public Office Holders’. Momentum ‘Renewal’, which of course was the faction who was already running Momentum, lost badly…

Members seem to have been less than impressed with Momentum’s less than democratic Leadership endorsement process. Now the far left faction within the far left faction of the left wing party has taken control of that faction’s National Coordinating Group. Got it?

mdi-tag-outline Forward Momentum Momentum
mdi-account-multiple-outline Jon Lansman
mdi-timer July 1 2020 @ 10:09 mdi-share-variant mdi-twitter mdi-facebook mdi-whatsapp mdi-telegram mdi-linkedin mdi-email mdi-printer
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