Green / SNP Amendment Exempts 16 & 17 Year-Old Scots from Lockdown Fines mdi-fullscreen

The Scottish Youth Parliament, which is in favour of Votes at 16, has managed to successfully pressure the SNP & Scottish Green Party to exempt 16 and 17 year olds from any fines for breaking Scotland’s coronavirus lockdown rules. The Scottish Government yesterday officially backed bonkers Green MSP Ross Greer‘s amendment, exempting children from the fines in Scotland, yet retaining their ability to vote. The SNP believes that 16 year olds are old enough to select their lawmakers but too young to be fined as a lawbreaker…

Research show sixteen and seventeen year-olds are of course among the most likely to break the lockdown, so it’s a little rich for the Scottish Government to argue their lockdown is more cautious than England’s only to not enforce it for a significant chunk of the population. Backing rights without responsibility is not a great recipeĀ for success…

mdi-tag-outline Scotland SNP
mdi-account-multiple-outline Ross Greer
mdi-timer May 21 2020 @ 15:57 mdi-share-variant mdi-twitter mdi-facebook mdi-whatsapp mdi-telegram mdi-linkedin mdi-email mdi-printer
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