Grieve’s Association Chair Slams ‘Very Unconservative’ MP mdi-fullscreen

Dominic Grieve’s Constituency Chairman in Beaconsfield has written a furious email to local members after Grieve’s latest posturing on Wednesday where he again threatened to quit the Tories to bring down the new Prime Minister. Grieve recently lost the confidence of the Association, now the Constituency Officers including Chairman Jackson Ng slam Grieve as “very unconservative”. They say he has lost their confidence as well:

Your Officers and I find it very unconservative for our Conservative MP – especially one of our Association’s standing – to state in the House of Commons that he is willing to bring down a Conservative Government. Especially so when we have always been tolerant of his minority views, votes on Brexit and been supportive and fair following March’s AGM and SGM last week…

Your Officers and I now find ourselves in a situation where we have to publicly rebuke Dominic’s position and that he has lost our confidence…

Ng wrote to Grieve last week formally requesting that he apply for re-adoption as the Conservative candidate, under the Tories’ obscure constitution this is the next part of the process for the Association to deselect him as their MP. However there’s no specified time limit for Grieve to respond, he can simply hang on until the next general election attacking his own party. Assuming he doesn’t resign the whip or have it removed first…

Read the letter in full:

Dear fellow members of BCCA,

This week, ahead of a vote to give the Labour Party and other opposition parties the ability to seize control of the Common’s agenda, our MP Dominic spoke in the Commons where he stated that he would not hesitate to ‘bring down the PM’s Govt…even if it means resigning the whip and leaving the Party.’ I am sure many of you would have seen it on the television, newspapers, internet or on social media.

Your Officers and I find it very unconservative for our Conservative MP – especially one of our Association’s standing – to state in the House of Commons that he is willing to bring down a Conservative Government. Especially so when we have always been tolerant of his minority views, votes on Brexit and been supportive and fair following March’s AGM and SGM last week. As a broad church Association, we are always going to have different opinions on Brexit but to threaten to bring down a Conservative Government, so publicly, is something we think many of us at BCCA cannot and will not tolerate.

This is not the constructive role we wish for and have urged him privately to play in delivering Brexit, quite the contrary. Your Officers and I believe we now speak for many members when we say we strongly do not wish for him to pursue his current course of action.

Furthermore, your Officers and I believe that a no confidence vote in our Conservative Government is very likely to open up the door to a General Election and then very possibly a Jeremy Corbyn led government in Downing Street. This is not in the Country or Party’s interest.

Your Officers and I now find ourselves in a situation where we have to publicly rebuke Dominic’s position and that he has lost our confidence – this will clearly bring BCCA further into the spotlight. As your Chairman, I have also remonstrated with our MP on his comments. There is clearly discord and a disconnection at the moment between Dominic’s position on our Conservative Government and that of the majority of our Association.

As you know, following our SGM last week, I have already written to Dominic requesting that he re-applies for readoption as our Parliamentary Candidate for the next General Election. I have yet to receive a reply from him but at this point, your Officers and the Executive Council are monitoring the situation very closely.

Procedurally, there is nothing else we can do any further which is binding on our MP but I have asked our MP to attend the next Executive Council meeting next month to explain himself.

However, when a situation arises for us to act further and urgently, rest assured that your Officers and I will be leading to best safeguard the reputation and future of our Association.

In the meantime, should you wish to write to me about your thoughts on this development, please contact me at ##########. Thank you for your ongoing support, tolerance and patience.

Yours faithfully,

Jackson Ng
Beaconsfield Constituency Conservative Association

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