Heseltine: UK “Economy Is Doing Significantly Better Than You Might Hope” mdi-fullscreen

Lord Heseltine has been doing the media rounds yet again this morning as broadcasters scrape the barrel to generate ‘blue-on-blue’ content now the Soubries of this world have jumped onto their own sinking ship. Not that Heseltine is making any effort to be ‘blue’ any more after publicly endorsing the Lib Dems over the weekend. Will the Remainers in CCHQ be expelling him from the Party like they threatened to do with anyone who backed the Brexit Party?

When challenged about the UK economy outpacing EU countries like Italy and even Germany, Heseltine’s mask entirely slipped:

“This country’s economy is doing significantly better than you might hope.”

Remainiacs literally admitting that they wanted the economy to be doing worse to punish voters for their democratic choice.

The former pro-Euro campaigner also claimed that the strong economic performance was in part because “the Government is of course continuing to live on borrowed money” which doesn’t quite make sense as an argument given that the deficit has tumbled to its lowest level in fifteen years. Despite, of course, Brexit…

mdi-tag-outline Despite Brexit
mdi-account-multiple-outline Michael Heseltine
mdi-timer May 20 2019 @ 11:46 mdi-share-variant mdi-twitter mdi-facebook mdi-whatsapp mdi-telegram mdi-linkedin mdi-email mdi-printer
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