Starmer Demands Talks Move On Despite Labour Voting to Block Progress mdi-fullscreen

Sir Keir Starmer has written to David Davis this afternoon slamming him for failing to get the Brexit talks moved on to the next stage. Starmer is demanding the government “work round the clock to find a resolution to the current situation” and says DD must “recognise the gravity of the situation”. Hang on a minute…

Last week 18 Labour MEPs voted against moving the talks onto the next stage. Labour had the chance to vote for trade talks to begin, yet they voted with the EU and against the UK government position. And Sir Keir is accusing DD of not recognising “the gravity of the situation”? Davis has written back to Starmer:

“You are of course right to raise the importance of enabling the negotiations to move onto discussions about our future relationship. So to that end, I wonder why it is that your party has not taken action against the eighteen Labour MEPs who voted last week to block further talks. I recently wrote to your party leader on this subject, but am awaiting a response. Perhaps you could use this opportunity to clarify your party’s position on the European Parliament resolution passed last week?”

Not sure Sir Keir thought this one through…

mdi-tag-outline EU Labour Party
mdi-account-multiple-outline David Davis Keir Starmer
mdi-timer October 12 2017 @ 17:44 mdi-share-variant mdi-twitter mdi-facebook mdi-whatsapp mdi-telegram mdi-linkedin mdi-email mdi-printer
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