Starmer Spends Morning Ranting About Wind Farm Built Under Labour

Starmer launched Labour’s Scottish campaign today. He spent time on the morning round and during his speech complaining about a “wind farm 20 minutes from Glasgow” to promote his protectionist energy policy:

“I went there with Anas I asked a simple question of the CEO. I said, how many of these were built in Scotland and the answer none of them not one they had all been towed in past working people in Scotland and put together. That’s the price of not making your economy the priority.”

The only problem? A quick check of Wikipedia would have told Starmer that Whitelee wind farm was commissioned under and approved by Gordon Brown’s Labour government in 2009. It was celebrated by Gordon Brown as a vital piece of new energy infrastructure. Those bleeding free traders…

It’s a hobby of Starmer’s to attack this particular wind farm. Last year he complained to Tony Blair that they “were all made in Indonesia” – which is actually completely false. FullFact ticked him off for that due to the fact that all the main turbine components came from Denmark and Germany. Stop trading with Europe eh? Quite the switch from arch-remainer Starmer…

mdi-account-multiple-outline Keir Starmer
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