Reform UK Launches “The Immigration Election” Campaign

Reform has kicked off it’s first election rally by branding the snap election “The Immigration Election”. Despite internal hopes Nigel Farage won’t be standing as a candidate, though Richard Tice says that he’s “delighted” to announce Nigel will campaign out and about with Reform candidates. Maybe they’ll run into Boris and the Tories…

Tice announces that he will personally stand for Boston and Skegness – the heart of leave voters – as his party puts up candidates in 630 seats total across England, Scotland, and Wales. He attacks the Tories with claims that everything is the worst is has been for “around 70 years“, including:

  • Taxes
  • State Spending.
  • NHS waiting lists.
  • National debt.
  • Low growth decade.
  • Longest recession per person.

Tice accused Sunak of bowing down to the “big man, big Lord Dave” in reversing the student visa crackdown and says “if you want change, vote for us“. What he really needs to convince voters of is that they have a chance: “We are going to win seats, we are going to win seats”…

Reform have more candidates than the Tories at the moment. Quite the early trigger-pull from Downing Street…

UPDATE: Tice’s chances aren’t terrible. YouGov’s latest MRP from March has voting intention split in Boston and Skegness at:

Con: 36%
Lab: 28%
Reform: 25%
Lib Dem: 7%
Green: 5%

UPDATE II: Farage cancels his GB News show for the election to free up time to campaign.

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mdi-account-multiple-outline Richard Tice
mdi-timer May 23 2024 @ 11:47 mdi-share-variant mdi-twitter mdi-facebook mdi-whatsapp mdi-telegram mdi-linkedin mdi-email mdi-printer
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