Nigel Farage Will Not Stand In Election mdi-fullscreen

Nigel Farage has finally put everyone out of their misery and announced that he will not be standing in the election. After months of teasing Reform, he took to Twitter to post a letter confirming the news. Boost for the Tories, though Reform are still a big threat…

YouGov ran a survey on how people would vote if Farage had decided to run as Reform’s leader. Reform would be just two points behind the Tories at 16% to 18%. Meanwhile, with Richard Tice as leader, Reform remain at 13%…

Read the letter in full below:

I have thought long and hard as to whether I should stand in the upcoming general election. As honorary president of Reform UK, I am fully supportive of Richard Tice’s leadership and urge voters to put their trust in him and Lee Anderson. I will do my bit to help in the campaign, but it is not the right time for me to go any further than that.

Important though the general election is, the contest in the United States of America on November 5 has huge global significance. A strong America as a close ally is vital for our peace and security. I intend to help with the grassroots campaign in the USA in any way that I can.

The choice between Labour and the Conservatives is uninspiring, and only Reform have the radical agenda that is needed to end decline in this country.

Nigel Farage, Honorary President of Reform UK

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mdi-account-multiple-outline Nigel Farage
mdi-timer May 23 2024 @ 09:15 mdi-share-variant mdi-twitter mdi-facebook mdi-whatsapp mdi-telegram mdi-linkedin mdi-email mdi-printer
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