“Changed Labour” Starmer’s Frontman Is Raving Corbynista mdi-fullscreen

Starmer kicked off his election campaign this morning in Kent, flanked by a sea of “Change” posters surrounding him. Starmer’s roll-off-the-tongue line  “changed Labour Party”. Ritual Corbyn-whipping is a daily occurrence. That’s why Guido found it amusing to see Starmer at his election campaign launch introduced by Naushabah Khan, Labour candidate for Gillingham and Rainham. And a raving Corbynite…

While Corbyn held the reins of the Party, Naushabah Khan regularly praised him for bringing “exceptional” momentum that would ensure that people would buy into values and principles of the collective. As well as issuing the regular socialist complaints about the national anthem, in a sad parody of gonzo journalism Khan spent 800 words describing the glorious leader’s appearance at Glastonbury festival: “The sun was shining and as Jeremy Corbyn took to the stage, there was a sense of hope in the air. Ironic considering this morning she welcomed Starmer as “a real opportunity for change.” Can Starmer not find anyone who believes in him?

mdi-tag-outline LOLabour
mdi-account-multiple-outline Keir Starmer Naushabah Khan
mdi-timer May 23 2024 @ 16:02 mdi-share-variant mdi-twitter mdi-facebook mdi-whatsapp mdi-telegram mdi-linkedin mdi-email mdi-printer
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