Matt Goodwin Reveals Plans to Launch New Political Party mdi-fullscreen

At a swanky party in Mayfair last night celebrating Matthew Goodwin’s substack reaching 30,000 subscribers, the academic revealed his plan to launch a new political party. Is there anyone not intending to feast on the Tory corpse?

Goodwin said that when he gets 100,000 subscribers he’ll launch his party. He’s currently gaining subscribers at a rate of 2,000 per week – which times a launch nicely for after the general election. He says: “People are utterly sick of the big parties and desperately looking for an alternative. I want to allow the people, themselves, to provide that alternative.” Talk among guests was that Goodwin already has £15 million committed in funding – Guido notes that billionaire libertarian Peter Thiel was also in London last night…

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