Khan’s “Night Czar” Given Disproportionate 14% Pay Rise mdi-fullscreen

Newly re-elected London mayor Sadiq Khan has scored himself a £6,000 pay rise to £160,976. Almost quadruple the average London salary and well above the Prime Minister’s…

Khan isn’t the only one doing well – his close aides’ pay packets are seeing a bumper hike. The majority of GLA staff have been given a standard 4.5% pay rise – though that just won’t do for Khan’s cronies. Disastrous “Night Czar” Amy Lamé has trousered a 13.5% hike up from £117,000 to a whopping £132,846. Meanwhile, the latest data shows that pubs and clubs continue to close at a startling rate, with 3,011 nighttime businesses shuttering up since the pandemic. That means Lamé is now paid £44 for every business that has shut down so far…

Raver Susan Hall tells Guido in response: “Over 1000 pubs and clubs have closed in London in the last three years. These venues desperately need the Mayor’s support and a Night Czar who will actually do something to help London’s nightlife thrive.LameLondon is in full effect…

mdi-account-multiple-outline Amy Lamé
mdi-timer May 10 2024 @ 13:53 mdi-share-variant mdi-twitter mdi-facebook mdi-whatsapp mdi-telegram mdi-linkedin mdi-email mdi-printer
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