Green Party’s London Assembly Members: Breast-Grower, Toilet Campaigner, and Quitter mdi-fullscreen

The Green Party has been hit with some bad press after the locals. First, one of their councillors has faced calls for suspension after he posted a video online shouting “Allahu Akbar” and that his election was “a win for the people of Gaza.” Now, to much embarrassment, one of their three London Assembly Members, Sian Berry, has resigned just three days after being elected – a full 6.1% of the length of Liz Truss’ term. The rumour is that the Greens were expecting to make gains where they didn’t, leaving their mayoral candidate (Zoë Garbett, now AM) without a seat…

If it wasn’t totally Berry’s choice, it’s odd that the Greens didn’t look to their other AM, Zack Polanski, to edge out. Polanski has had to repeatedly apologise for taking part in an experiment where he tried to increase the size of a woman’s breasts through the power of the unconscious. During the experiment, he took a female reporter to clinic in Harley Street for a spot of breast hypnosis. Apparently four days after the session her breasts did grow, though sadly slowly returned to their normal size afterwards. Meanwhile, their other star member Caroline Russell, known to colleagues as “Caroline Toilets”, has the sole mission of “opening up the lid” – getting more loos on the tube. A serious party…

mdi-tag-outline Green Party London Assembly
mdi-account-multiple-outline Caroline Russell Zack Polanski
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