Khan’s “Head of Equalities” Former Activist From Violent Pro Migrant Rights Group mdi-fullscreen

Sadiq Khan has given a senior job to a former key activist in a violent pro-migrant group which physically attacks immigration officers and police. Rupinder Parhar was appointed last April as the GLA’s “Head of Equalities” on a salary of £72,500. A surprising choice for the role considering her history…

In 2016, The Times revealed Parhar had a key role (which she did not deny) in Anti-Raids Network (ARN) – a group that encourages violent “resistance” and to “fight” against immigration and police officers enforcing removals of illegal immigrants. The group blasts what it calls the “war of the borders” between “Home Office ‘immigration enforcement teams’,” and “our neighbourhoods“. Some of their leaflets proudly describe how members had “attacked” police arresting an illegal immigrant in south London and how immigration vans had their “tyres slashed” and “windscreen smashed”. Let’s see what Londoners make of that…

mdi-tag-outline Mayor of London
mdi-account-multiple-outline Rupinder Parhar Sadiq Khan
mdi-timer May 1 2024 @ 17:17 mdi-share-variant mdi-twitter mdi-facebook mdi-whatsapp mdi-telegram mdi-linkedin mdi-email mdi-printer
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