Welsh Parliament Spends £36,000 on Trans Flagpoles mdi-fullscreen

Flagpoles around the Senedd are adorned with the trans-inclusive LGBT flag, despite the fact that “LGBT History Month” has been over for some time now. Now the Welsh Parliament has decided that they’ve exceeded their “lifespan” and is forcing taxpayers to cough up £36,595 for a 6-week project to replace them. Some contractors are rubbing their hands with glee right now…

The flagpoles are used for political posturing – they previously played host to the EU flag until it was taken down a full four years after the Brexit vote. Flying high while Wales racks up a £900 million budget shortfall…

mdi-tag-outline Trans Issues Wales Welsh Government
mdi-timer March 7 2024 @ 14:04 mdi-share-variant mdi-twitter mdi-facebook mdi-whatsapp mdi-telegram mdi-linkedin mdi-email mdi-printer
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