Super Tuesday: Trump Cleans Up

Trump made a lot of promises last night as he delivered his victory speech after “Super Tuesday”. The third time running President-hopeful swept up all but one of the Republican vote in 16 states in the primary elections. His rival Nikki Haley is not so happy, though she’s still clutching at hope, refusing to drop out of the contest…

Meanwhile Biden won every state up for grabs for the Democrats, spelling another Trump Vs Biden election in November. Along with promises to “drill baby drill“, “get the inflation down” and make America “greater than ever before“, true to form, Trump made a victory speech filled with pledges to tackle immigration. Vowing to get rid of “Biden migrant crime“, “close our borders“, and “deport a lot of bad people“. With many city streets in the likes of New York and San Francisco being filled with crime, you can hardly blame Trump’s supporters for meeting his rallying cry with cheers and chants…

UPDATE: Nikki Haley is set to pull out of the race, according to the Wall Street Journal. She’ll be delivering a statement at 3pm UK time…

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mdi-account-multiple-outline Donald Trump Joe Biden
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