Justin Welby Brings up Hitler in Rwanda Debate

As the Lords debates the Rwanda Bill in the Report Stage, Archbishop of Canterbury Justin Welby has done the inevitable and brought up the Nazis in reference to Rwanda. Welby clearly thought he’d struck gold political analysis when he said the Nazi government, “which had been been legally and properly elected, passed horrific laws that did terrible things starting from within a few weeks of the election of Adolf Hitler.” To Welby this proves the supremacy of international law over domestic law…

Welby went on to say: “the government is not doing something on the scale of what we saw at that stage”. Though it is in principle?

This is a clear example of Godwin’s Law entering the Lords: “As an online discussion grows longer, the probability of a comparison involving Nazis or Hitler approaches 1.” Guido would like to say he did ‘Nazi’ that coming, though it is Welby…

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