Where Is the Media Outrage Over 27-Year-Old Plaid Peer? mdi-fullscreen

When Boris Johnson’s peerage nominations were announced, there were months of negative media briefings and pearl-clutching Lobby exasperations over the whole list – particularly over the appointment of youngest peer, Charlotte Owen. As Guido said at the time, given that the average age of the Lords is 71, the appointment of some fresh faces hardly the biggest issue with the House of Lords (which no doubt needs reform)…

Last week, as is their occasional right, Plaid Cymru nominated 27-year-old Carmen Smith – also a former political staffer, with a basically identical CV to Johnson’s aides – to join the upper house for life. How did it go down with the righteous scribes of SW1?

Carmen was treated to a glowing write up in The Times, which subjected the lifelong lawmaker to scrutiny by noting she is ‘principled’ and ‘a good laugh’. It stands in contrast to The Times’ treatment of Johnson’s peers – the paper ran a number of stinking leaders railing against them, with the op-ed pages and Lobby team deployed to generate reams of outraged copy over every cough and spit of the process. The BBC decided to nose their piece on Tory donors instead. The Guardian, which twisted itself into paroxysms of apocalyptic outrage over Johnson’s nominations, has mentioned Carmen’s nomination in just one line of copy. Tortoise, which ran a highly personalised single issue campaign on the matter, has not even covered the development. This is all despite the fact that Plaid Cymru opposes the existence of the House of Lords and Carmen herself thinks it should be abolished. Guido has nothing against Carmen Smith – her age is not her fault. It simply proves for the lefty establishment media, it’s one rule about how to treat Boris, and another for everyone else…

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mdi-account-multiple-outline Carmen Smith Charlotte Owen
mdi-timer February 12 2024 @ 11:43 mdi-share-variant mdi-twitter mdi-facebook mdi-whatsapp mdi-telegram mdi-linkedin mdi-email mdi-printer
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