Quarter of All MEPs Involved in ‘Scandals or Breaking the Law’ mdi-fullscreen

Top-level analysis from a consortium of 24 European news organisations, spearheaded by Le Monde, has found that a jaw-dropping one in four MEPs is implicated in judicial cases or scandals. The rot was always going to run deeper than Qatar-gate alone…

Out of 704 MEPs, a total of 163 MEPs were involved in the 253 identified and verified judicial cases – the vast majority of them concerned acts that took place during the current parliamentary term, which started in 2019. The record figure includes cases made up of varying degrees of severity which covers a spectrum from selling a stolen cell phone to embezzling taxpayer funds. Lara Comi, who pocketed  €500,000 and was sentenced to four years in prison, is still an MEP. Thankfully we got out while we could…

Nigel Farage tells Guido: “Given the culture in the European parliament, I am very surprised the figure is so low“. Guido wouldn’t be surprised if before long half of MEPs ended up in the clink…

mdi-tag-outline Corruption European Parliament
mdi-account-multiple-outline Nigel Farage
mdi-timer February 2 2024 @ 14:42 mdi-share-variant mdi-twitter mdi-facebook mdi-whatsapp mdi-telegram mdi-linkedin mdi-email mdi-printer
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