Onward’s Hawksbee Appointed Government Towns Tsar mdi-fullscreen

Another think tanker is moving into government. Deputy Director of the Tory centrist wet think tank Onward, Adam Hawksbee, has been appointed by Rishi Sunak as interim chairman of the “new high-powered Towns Unit to ensure the voices of UK towns are heard loud and clear across government and that vital regeneration comes to life“. A tsar for the suburbs…

A part-time position alongside working at Onward, the job is made up of delivering the £1.1 billion “Long-Term Plan for Towns” which aims to “regenerate 55 towns around the country so people can feel proud of the place they call home“. Will Tanner, Downing Street deputy chief of staff and founder of Onward, is clearly exercising some influence in government…

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mdi-account-multiple-outline Adam Hawksbee
mdi-timer January 25 2024 @ 14:22 mdi-share-variant mdi-twitter mdi-facebook mdi-whatsapp mdi-telegram mdi-linkedin mdi-email mdi-printer
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