Tory Whips Up to Rwanda Vote Tricks mdi-fullscreen

Andrea Jenkyns has a child care issue and told the Tory whips she would have to miss the vote tonight. The Tory whips through the “usual channels” have consequently paired her with a Labour MP who also will miss the Rwanda vote. This is sharp practice.

Andrea Jenkyns is a known opponent of the government’s proposals and would have voted against the government tonight. For the Tory whips to pair her with a Labour MP who would be expected to also vote against the government is an abuse of the pairing process as it takes two negative votes out of the equation rather than opposite and equivalent votes. Labour whips will be furious if they find out…

UPDATE:  As a result of this story Andrea Jenkyns ended up voting against the bill.

mdi-tag-outline Whips
mdi-account-multiple-outline Andrea Jenkyns
mdi-timer January 17 2024 @ 13:30 mdi-share-variant mdi-twitter mdi-facebook mdi-whatsapp mdi-telegram mdi-linkedin mdi-email mdi-printer
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