Nadine Dorries’ Book Launch Delayed Until After Conference mdi-fullscreen

Bad news for those hoping for Nadine Dorries to drop another political bomb on Rishi Sunak heading into Tory Conference – her book, The Plot: The Political Assassination of Boris Johnson, has been delayed until 9th November. HarperCollins say it’s to allow for more material, and for the “required legal process” to complete. Dorries warns it will make “House of Cards appear tame”. Get ready…

“What began as an investigation into how Boris Johnson was removed from office ultimately revealed a corruption of democracy deep at the heart of the Conservative Party and in Downing Street. Secrecy, fear and the cloak of anonymity have protected those who wield power in the shadows, until now. It makes ’The House of Cards’ appear tame, but this is no made up tale, it’s for real and for the first time, their political darks arts are about to be revealed.”  

It was originally set to release on 28th September, just days before Conference. At least there’s still the by-election to look forward to around then…

mdi-account-multiple-outline Boris Johnson Nadine Dorries Rishi Sunak
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