Losing MPs’ Golden Goodbyes to More Than Double to £17,300 mdi-fullscreen

Parliamentary watchdog Independent Parliamentary Standards Authority (IPSA) are more than doubling the taxpayer cash losing MPs will receive at the next general election, going from £8,600 to £17,300. IPSA say this is to ensure the payouts were “fair and provide the appropriate support to MPs and their offices when leaving Parliament”.  The 71 MPs who have already decided to stand down are set to rake in around £615,000 between them…

Taxpayers’ Alliance Chief Executive John O’Connell said:

“Doubling golden goodbyes for MPs is a kick in the teeth for taxpayers. Hard-pressed Britons are already funding generous salaries, perks and pensions for elected officials. Ipsa should be mindful of that when recommending more taxpayers’ money for politicians.”

The Telegraph points out that if the Tories suffer a 100-seat wipeout, the taxpayer would fork out an additional £1 million under the new rules. Maybe Rishi’s best bet is to make it a campaign talking point: each Labour gain will cost the taxpayer thousands…

mdi-tag-outline Expenses IPSA
mdi-account-multiple-outline John O'Connell
mdi-timer August 25 2023 @ 08:59 mdi-share-variant mdi-twitter mdi-facebook mdi-whatsapp mdi-telegram mdi-linkedin mdi-email mdi-printer
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