Tory MP Sarah Atherton Furious Over Major Campaign Leaflet Mix-Up mdi-fullscreen

Tory Sarah Atherton MP is said to be fuming this morning after discovering her Wrexham constituents had been bombarded with “Wrexham News” pamphlets which, when opened, were full of exciting news about… Gloucestershire. Which happens to be about 100 miles away…

Fingers are already being pointed at CCHQ, although Guido understands it was a suspected ‘printer error’ which is currently being corrected. It’ll have to be corrected quickly, because hundreds of the botched leaflets are already on constituents’ doorsteps. At least the people of Wrexham know Gloucestershire is now protected by 164 new police officers. According to The Sun’s Jack Elsom, Atherton seethed over being made a “laughing stock” in a Tory WhatsApp group…

There have been reports Virginia Crosbie’s literature also had the wrong constituency info inside, though Guido hears this was actually spotted in a pre-release proof, and was corrected before printing. Jane Stevenson’s initially had a freepost address error too, which has also been corrected. They got there in the end…

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mdi-account-multiple-outline Jane Stevenson Sarah Atherton Virginia Crosbie
mdi-timer August 16 2023 @ 13:00 mdi-share-variant mdi-twitter mdi-facebook mdi-whatsapp mdi-telegram mdi-linkedin mdi-email mdi-printer
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