Rishi Failing on His Five Pledges is Cutting Through mdi-fullscreen

As Rishi struggles to get to grips with any of his five pledges, barring the standalone success of 0.2% growth, new polling suggests his shortcomings have cut through to voters. YouGov asked respondents to judge how the government has performed on the five pledges they’re so desperate to repeat. Once “don’t know” responses are removed, over 90% of people think Rishi is failing in four of his five pledges. The worst part is, they’re not wrong.

“Growing the economy” is Rishi’s best performing pledge, and even here the vast majority of voters think he’s doing badly. The numbers don’t even get much better amongst Conservative voters. A majority of 2019 Tories think Rishi is doing badly in all five of his pledges – with 80% saying he’s failing to stop the small boats. Rishi’s pledges were meant to be easy to achieve…

mdi-tag-outline Polls YouGov
mdi-account-multiple-outline Rishi Sunak
mdi-timer June 23 2023 @ 08:26 mdi-share-variant mdi-twitter mdi-facebook mdi-whatsapp mdi-telegram mdi-linkedin mdi-email mdi-printer
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