Ex-Telegraph Hacks Slam Paper’s “Toxic” Culture and “Systemic Bullying” mdi-fullscreen

Ex-hacks and editorial staff at Telegraph towers are taking to the company employee review website Glassdoor to give the senior leadership team both barrels over its “toxic culture” and “bullying” management. In the past year alone, dozens of anonymous miserable employees have flocked to the website to leave one and two-star diatribes over Chris Evans’ notorious reign of terror. The sort of comments they tend to send to Guido’s inbox; at one point staff were offered a £2,000 bounty for every new starter they brought into the Telegraph family. 

Since around this time last year, he’s a flavour of what fleeing staff have had to say about the company:

“Really poor senior management”

“The company doesn’t invest in journalism”

“In editorial it is the worst bullying workplace you could ever experience, people are traumatised, people have been hospitalised for stress”

“Toxic culture, systemic bullying, terrible communication, complete lack of vision”

“Avoid. Avoid. Avoid. Avoid. Avoid.”

Ten one-star reviews have been written in the last three months alone. In Evans’ defence, a few ex-hacks complain about the “long hours“, which would suggest they were just in the wrong line of work to begin with. Still, an average rating of 2.9 stars probably won’t help with that staff exodus

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mdi-timer February 20 2023 @ 14:30 mdi-share-variant mdi-twitter mdi-facebook mdi-whatsapp mdi-telegram mdi-linkedin mdi-email mdi-printer
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