Tories Accuse BBC of Bias Over Strike Coverage mdi-fullscreen

A senior Conservative source has launched a blistering attack on the BBC, after they published an article reporting that nurses are “being forced to strike”. The piece published last night, entitled Chief nurse calls for strike resolution after day of action, informed the nation that:

Staff have expressed anger and sadness at being forced to strike for more pay.”

Responding to the biased language, a Conservative source accused the BBC of “doing the unions’ bidding again”:

“As usual the BBC can’t hide their leftie sympathies, and forget the hardworking taxpayers who pay their bills and are disrupted. It’s about time they explained the economic facts, rather than showcasing union talking points.”

The blatant bias undermines Mick Lynch’s claim earlier in the week that the BBC is “parroting” hard right talking points lifted from the Daily Mail. 

Guido notes the BBC quietly changed its wording, to “Staff expressed anger that they felt forced to strike for more pay.” Albeit not before Guido managed to save the article on Wayback machine

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mdi-timer December 16 2022 @ 10:02 mdi-share-variant mdi-twitter mdi-facebook mdi-whatsapp mdi-telegram mdi-linkedin mdi-email mdi-printer
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