Boris Makes Good on G7 Commitment mdi-fullscreen

Cast your mind back to June this year, when Boris spent most of the month out of the country travelling around Europe, there were mass fears about increases to the energy price cap and Keir Starmer was roundly failing to capitalise on Tory disunity. At the time Boris caused a row with Napoleon complex-sufferer Vladamir Putin, when joking with fellow G7 leaders about Putin’s propensity to pose topless for photographs:

Jackets on? Shall we take our clothes off? We all have to show that we’re tougher than Putin… show our pecs”

Putin refused to take the body blow lying down, hitting back by saying if Boris did the same it would be “a disgusting sight” and “western leaders should stop abusing alcohol and bad habits, do physical exercise and take part in sports”. Thanks to the Sun’s snaps of Boris’s Greek beach holiday, we can see once and for all how the two men compare…

Guido’s not sure there’s much in it frankly…

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