Sir Patrick Vallance Stepping Down in Spring mdi-fullscreen

The government’s Chief Scientific Adviser Sir Patrick Vallance has announced he’ll step down from the role next April. He’s leaving to become the new chairman of the Natural History Museum’s Board of Trustees. A slightly less arduous job than being Downing Street’s very own Dr. Doom…

Commenting on the move this afternoon, Boris said:

“Sir Patrick may not have bargained for becoming a household name when he signed up for the job. But I am immensely grateful for his advice and expertise throughout the pandemic and beyond. It is impossible to fully convey the impact that Sir Patrick has had as chief scientific adviser. He has played an instrumental role in expanding and accelerating the science super prowess of this country […] It’s our scientists and clinicians, led by Sir Patrick, Sir Chris, and their team, that oversaw the largest vaccine rollout in British history together with my government. He will be missed by all when he leaves next year, and I wish him the very best in all future endeavours.”

Apparently this is unrelated to Partygate. Sir Patrick’s just had enough of the gig. So long, farewell…

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mdi-timer August 3 2022 @ 15:42 mdi-share-variant mdi-twitter mdi-facebook mdi-whatsapp mdi-telegram mdi-linkedin mdi-email mdi-printer
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