Corbyn Claims He “Doesn’t Know” If He Admires Zelensky, Refuses to Rule Out Starting New Party

Another standout interview from the independent MP for Islington North this afternoon, with Jeremy performing all his greatest hits in the space of just a few minutes. Everything from disbanding NATO, to dismissing antisemitism under his leadership, to his plans for starting a new party – a real crowdpleaser of a show from the absolute boy…

Asked if he plans to start a new party to challenge Labour at the next election (since the odds of Starmer restoring the whip are basically 0), Corbyn said:

“I don’t know what the future is going to bring… I am focused on representing my constituency, being a member of Parliament and on saying to the Labour Party, to win the next election you have to appeal to people.”

Of course, if there’s one person who could give Keir Starmer advice on winning elections, it’s Jeremy Corbyn…

When asked if he admires Zelensky as a leader, Corbyn claimed he “doesn’t know” because he’s “never met him.” Presumably he spent plenty of time with Mary Wollstonecraft then, because he’s previously insisted she’s his “political hero”…

Then on disbanding NATO, Jeremy once again insisted it would be a good idea:

I would want to see a world where we start to ultimately disband all military alliances. The issue has to be what’s the best way of bringing about peace in the future? Is it by more alliances? Is it by more military build up? Or is it by stopping the war in Ukraine and the other wars, which you haven’t mentioned at all in this discussion that are going on at the present time, which are also killing a very large number of people? And ask yourself the question, do military alliances bring peace? Or do they actually encourage each other and build up to a greater danger?

All in all, another great showing. A real mystery why Sir Keir wants nothing to do with him…

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