Government Commissions Review into Resuming Fracking mdi-fullscreen

BEIS has announced it has commissioned a review into the latest scientific evidence on fracking, with Kwasi admitting the government must “explore all possible domestic energy sources” following the Russian invasion of Ukraine. The British Geological Survey will conduct the review, and the report is expected in June. In the meantime, the fracking ‘pause’ implemented in November 2019 continues…

Speaking today, Business Secretary Kwasi Kwarteng said:

“We have always been, and always will be, guided by the science on shale gas.

It remains the case that fracking in England would take years of exploration and development before commercial quantities of gas could be produced for the market, and would certainly have no effect on prices in the near term.

However, there will continue to be an ongoing demand for oil and gas over the coming decades as we transition to cheap renewable energy and new nuclear power. In light of Putin’s criminal invasion of Ukraine, it is absolutely right that we explore all possible domestic energy sources.

However, unless the latest scientific evidence demonstrates that shale gas extraction is safe, sustainable and of minimal disturbance to those living and working nearby, the pause in England will remain in place.”

The review will explore whether new techniques and technologies “meet rigorous safety and environmental protections“. Millions of customers are already feeling the bite of the soaring energy prices. Hurry the frack up…

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mdi-timer April 5 2022 @ 13:18 mdi-share-variant mdi-twitter mdi-facebook mdi-whatsapp mdi-telegram mdi-linkedin mdi-email mdi-printer
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