US Gets First Acting Female President on International Men’s Day mdi-fullscreen

Today is International Men’s Day, the annual holiday on which we are asked to “recognise and celebrate the cultural, political, and socioeconomic achievements of men”. This year it happens to fall on the day Joe Biden has booked his colonoscopy. 

Biden is going under general anaesthetic for the procedure, which means that for the first time in history, a woman will have control of the executive branch of the US government. Kamala Harris will assume the presidency in an acting capacity while doctors use a camera to explore the President’s rectum. Given how much time the US media have spent up there in the last year, Guido’s sure Biden won’t find the routine too uncomfortable… 

mdi-tag-outline International Men's Day
mdi-account-multiple-outline Joe Biden Kamala Harris
mdi-timer November 19 2021 @ 17:00 mdi-share-variant mdi-twitter mdi-facebook mdi-whatsapp mdi-telegram mdi-linkedin mdi-email mdi-printer
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