Boris, Dave and George’s No. 10 Reunion Roast Dinner mdi-fullscreen

Boris, Dave and George reunited in Downing Street last week for the 20th anniversary dinner for the 2001 intake of Tory MPs. As expected, neither Boris nor Dave could resist making a few pointed jokes at the other. In his Spectator Diary Osborne claims he doesn’t remember much from the dinner, though during his toast the PM joked about a “home insulation scheme involving windows that he was going to call Green Sill”. George presumably didn’t ask who’d be funding that particular No. 10 renovation…

Not one to be outsmarted, Cameron joked that “being back in Downing Street had filled him with nostalgia… for the good old days when there was food on the supermarket shelves, you could fill up your car and Tory budgets cut taxes on jobs and businesses.” Unfortunately, as a 2015-er, Rishi wasn’t there to defend himself…

mdi-account-multiple-outline Boris Johnson David Cameron George Osborne
mdi-timer October 29 2021 @ 17:11 mdi-share-variant mdi-twitter mdi-facebook mdi-whatsapp mdi-telegram mdi-linkedin mdi-email mdi-printer
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