Tory MPs’ Geronimo Meme Wars mdi-fullscreen

With MP WhatsApp groups so prone to leaking these days, it might seem sensible for members to share jokes offline to avoid controversy. In this vein, Tory MP Ben Everitt recently turned up to his Commons office to find the door covered in memes: one featuring the recently-deceased TB-riddled alpaca Geronimo alongside Princes Diana, and another showing Harambe the Gorilla riding Geronimo through the gates of heaven. Anything to brighten the place up…

Everitt claims it was a “welcome back gift from an undisclosed colleague” and he’d been so busy this week he “didn’t get around to taking it down”. He says the list of suspects is too long to organise any revenge dish…

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mdi-account-multiple-outline Ben Everitt
mdi-timer September 10 2021 @ 17:30 mdi-share-variant mdi-twitter mdi-facebook mdi-whatsapp mdi-telegram mdi-linkedin mdi-email mdi-printer
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