NHS Vaccine Pass App Can’t Recognise First Doses Administered Outside England mdi-fullscreen

With the government turning back towards the idea of Covid passports, they might want to make sure their passport app actually works before they get too trigger-happy with any legislation. New emails passed to Guido between a patient and the NHS App support team reveal that those who received their first doses in Scotland, Wales or Northern Ireland, and then travelled to England for their second, don’t currently appear as double-jabbed in the NHS Covid Pass app:

“At the moment vaccines administered overseas or in Scotland, Wales or Northern Ireland cannot be recorded within the NHS England vaccinations database (NIMS) so no vaccine certificate is currently available from the NHS.

This issue is being worked on and an update is expected shortly.”

The NHS tells Guido their Digital team is “looking into” the issue…

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mdi-timer July 16 2021 @ 17:00 mdi-share-variant mdi-twitter mdi-facebook mdi-whatsapp mdi-telegram mdi-linkedin mdi-email mdi-printer
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